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Security: Insect Borne Disease

Vacationtechnician personalized luxury adventure travel transports you to the most exquisite wilderness and chill out retreats on Earth. Conserving rare biodiversity through low volume tourism; our aim is your indulgence -at no one's expense. Plan now to be assured a rejuvenating escape at a restful pace -to an unspoilt gem in the purest sense.


Immunizations and medications may afford the traveler protection against some travel-related diseases transmitted by insects such as yellow fever and malaria, but there are many other serious diseases transmitted by insects that require careful avoidance and use of protective measures. Travelers visiting rural areas or engaging in camping, hiking or adventure travel are at the greatest risk of exposure to mosquitoes, ticks, mites, fleas and other disease-carrying insects, but even urban visitors need to take precautions to avoid insect exposure in some areas.

General Protective Measures

Know the disease risks in the area of travel, the insect that transmits the disease and times of highest activity.

Dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoes active during the day and usually present in urban areas.

Sand flies transmit leishmaniasis and are commonly active in forested areas from dusk to dawn.

Mosquitoes that transmit malaria are active from dusk to dawn.

Cover as much skin as possible: wear long sleeves, long trousers, socks, shoes/boots and hat. Avoid sandals, and tuck shirts into pants and pant legs into socks.

Perform body tick checks at the end of the day when traveling in areas with tick-borne diseases.

Sleep in protected areas with screens or air conditioning or use a permethrin-impregnated sleeping bed net. Ensure there are no tears in the netting and that it is tucked in securely around the bed area. Check and eliminate any mosquitoes from inside rooms and sleeping areas prior to retiring. This is especially important in areas with malaria.

Insecticide sprays may be used to clear rooms of mosquitoes. Coils should be only used outdoors; avoid using coils that contain DDT. Be aware that many foreign-produced repellents and insecticides are extremely toxic.

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Use an insect repellent that contains DEET (around 35%) on exposed areas of skin and on clothing. Avoid eyes and inhalation of the spray. Children should use products with reduced DEET levels produced especially for children; pregnant women should avoid usage altogether.

Repellents containing permethrin can be sprayed on clothing, bed nets and camping gear. This is an effective repellent for mosquitoes, ticks and other insects. Permethrin remains effective even with repeated washings.

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