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travel security & you

It is important to understand the relative dangers of normal living to fully appreciate the pre-cautions we have in place to protect your safety while on vacationtechnician women's tours.

"What worries you masters you." HW Robinson

"Yuh Gunna Die.."

Good -that's out of the way. Now we can talk about more relevant and timely issues, like all the bad news happening around the world recently.

Navigate Personal Security Issues with vacationtechnician

Global Warming
Eating & Drinking
Suspicious Packages
Using Taxis Overseas
World Watch Advisory
US Department of State
Civil Unrest

It is important to understand the relative dangers of normal living to fully appreciate the pre-cautions we have in place to protect your safety while on vacationtechnician holidays.

Danger is relative. Strangely, the dangers that face you when traveling are infinitesimal when compared to just surviving the in the nine to five grind, running to the fridge to get your eighth piece of Sprüngli chocolate ~ in your bunny slippers, or during frenetic weekend activities that pass for relaxation.

The Accidental Homebody.

"Stay out of your house, don't charge down the stairs, take great care leaving your yard to fast -and please: please don't drive!"

Most accidents happen at home. Each year slippery tile floors, cheap ginzu knives and trendy glass coffee tables do more damage than all the world's terrorists! What's more, you even have a one in three chance of dying in bed. From what? We'll let you get creative on that one.

So what's really dangerous? There is a one in 10 million chance of dying in a plane crash. Not bad. The odds of getting killed on a train are 10 times higher, one in a million. Still good but not great. Driving your own car cross country on a family holiday enters you in the 1:14,000 lottery that 2 million Americans crash and burn in annually. BTW, the increase in the US speed limit from 55 to 65 mph raised the fatality rate 44%! Whoa, we are really speeding ahead of ourselves, aren't we?

How does one cheat the grim reaper in the long run?

• First, don't let accidental causes get in the way.

• Second, exercise, eat right and maintain a positive mental attitude.

Q: How is that done?

A: Travel of course. People who live the longest seem to have an insatiable curiosity and a natural love for traveling the world.

At vacationtechnician, we take a industry leading approach to your safety on our safaris, expeditions and tours.

....cheating the grim reaper every single day.

vacationtechnician leaders have achieved proficiency in advanced first aid and CPR. Should medical attention be required, we know the closest quality medical treatment clinics and hospitals along your itinerary and will arrange your transport quickly, assist your communication with foriegn medical personnel and communicate with travel insurance company representatives on your behalf.

So is travel actually that dangerous?

Not really. Some surveys say you are less likely to have an accident on vacation than when you are at home. Others say most people are injured within a 5 mile radius of home.

What shall you do, shop more than 5 miles away?

Learn more about Soul Safaris with vacationtechnician.comWe know its hard to convince you that an expedition to your local 7-11 is the most dangerous part of your personal travel, but statistically its true!

Therefore, if you believe the statistics, death will not come on the heels of a terrorist ...but it may arrive softly on bunny slippered feet.

"She profits most who serves best." -Shelton



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