April 22, 2004

Africa: the best vacation in the World?

Africa with vacationtechnician.com

"When my mother took me to Botswana and Zimbabwe in 2001, I fully expected it to be the "trip of a lifetime," never imagining that I would become so passionate about Africa, needing to return every year. So, yes, Africa is the best vacation place I've ever been. Why?

First and foremost -seeing the wild animals in their natural habitat. I have had a lifelong love for animals and have refused to set foot in zoos for over 30 years.

I can't begin to describe the thrill when first seeing a herd of elephants on the shore of the Gache Gache River in Zimbabwe. Or, getting within five feet of the mountain gorillas in Uganda. For me, NOTHING can compare to those experiences.

I think, for me, Africa provides an experience that is so profoundly different from my day-to-day existence. I live in San Francisco and have lived here, in the heart of the city, for my entire adult life. While I've visited Paris, London, Rome, Florence, Venice, Brussels, New York, which all have their individual charm and beauty and excitement, they are, for me, just variations of all major cities.

It was not until I visited Africa that I realized that I am no longer intrigued or even interested in spending my vacations that way--running around a city, going to museums, hanging out in cafes, finding restaurants, shopping, etc. etc. I can do all that home.

Africa allows me to just be....I am forced to relax and just look and listen and smell...No other place on earth provides that type of serenity".


"The answer to the question for me is absolutely, completely, whole-heartedly, YES.

I have been completely around the world over a period of 2 years, years ago.
Went from east to west (starting in the states and then Hawaii, Japan etc.). Other times I have visited and lived in several countries.

Out of all of these, Africa is my favorite. Africa is special.

Outside of Africa, the country that makes the deepest impression is India, however I will never consider it a holiday - it is an experience. Some favorite cities - Kyoto, London. Crete was a wonderful holiday location.

But for me, an animal lover, everything pales compared to Africa.

-Waking up in the bush and wondering what wonderful animals I'll see today...?

-Heading out to a new camp and wondering what interesting people I'll meet.

Typically when we travel in other places we don't meet a lot of new people, at least not long enough to have a two-hour dinner conversation.

In Africa you do.

Wonderful, adventurous people that are also traveling and kind gentle people who live in Africa. I just feel that traveling in Africa was like nothing else I had done before and yes, it meant so much to me that I wish everyone I know could experience it.

I never felt so alive as I did there".


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Posted by vacationtechnician at April 22, 2004 04:53 PM | TrackBack
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