November 24, 2004

Kyoto Protocol Loophole & Travel Industry Reform


International private sector partnership attempts to tackle �Kyoto Protocol Exempt Global Airline Industry�s Pollution,� -one traveler at a time.

Greenwood Lake, New York (PRWEB) Nov 24, 2004 � The Global Airline Industry is sharply reducing the positive environmental benefits of the Kyoto Protocol.

Q: What do you get when you combine the travel/tourist and
public/private/government subsidised airline industry with the Global
Warming (GW) issue

A: "At the Third Session of the Conference of the Parties in Kyoto,
international aviation emissions were not included in the agreed targets,
because of the difficulties that had arisen over the methodologies for
allocating these emissions".

Global Warming & Kyoto Aviation Loophole: its IN the Air...just not ON
the Air.

Here you will find details on the campaign to raise public awareness and introduce a private sector solution for this important and under-reported Global Environmental Travel issue.

The travel industry's approach to Global Warming is with few exceptions, a
classic case of comprehensive denial. Travel and tourism, the largest
industry in the world and cash cow of many countries, is loathe to discuss
the issue.

When I began in 1999 with a mission to explore,
preserve and protect the remaining wilderness/cultural areas in the world

I had no idea: the Kyoto Protocol left open an enormous loophole for the
rapidly growing/polluting airline industry.

The Kyoto Protocol "Aviation Emmission Loophole," was was never effectively
reported by world media. The silently gathering consequences of the
travel/airline/tourism industry's rapidly increasing upper atmosphere
carbon emmissions
never even showed up on the environmental issues radar.

What we did hear about from the media was the polarizing Global Warming
political banter; pro and con that the USA won't sign Kyoto, claims of bunk science and dire predictions of catastrophic environmental events.

The Solution: "Beyond all the naysayers and Hot Air."

The VacationTechnician Company is the first American company to
directly address Global Warming and Travel
; as it pertains to individual
responsibility and accountability. We have raised the environmental awareness of this issue within our own industry and at the same time providing a responsible solution with partner Climatecare to allow our travelers to 'opt in,' and pay a small 'carbon offset' we then add to their holiday invoice.

The 'carbon offset' proceeds in full, are then turned over to a registered
non-profit organization for investment in carbon reduction projects in
countries less economically advantaged, excluding non signatory countries to Kyoto.

The VacationTechnician Company ClimateCare Solution Press Release

Now, the traveling public can rise above the government sanctioned deadlock of
the current Kyoto Protocol and take personal responsibility for their
individual carbon production while they travel by jet aircraft. Grassroots awareness may give politicians a clue to recognize the enviromental
impact of the proliferation of low cost airlines and travel worldwide.

Our hope at is that regardless of the current debate surrounding this polarizing issue, travelers will now understand that there is an enlightened choice available that will make a direct impact in the life of millions of people in less fortunate countries worldwide and potentially stem the projected effects of Global Warming.

The VacationTechnician Company will continue to call for travel/airline/government reform. Please feel free to contact us for further information.

Click here for more Global Warming Resources


David Chamberlain
Managing Director
Vacationtechnician personalized luxury adventure travel transports you to the most exquisite wilderness and peaceful retreats on Earth. Conserving rare biodiversity through low volume tourism; our aim is your indulgence -at no one's expense. Plan now to be assured a rejuvenating escape at a restful pace -to an unspoiled gem in the purest sense.

.::. = conserving the most enchanting wilderness chill out retreats on Earth .::.

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Posted by vacationtechnician at November 24, 2004 07:19 PM | TrackBack
Posted to Press Releases :: vacationtechnician
